Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Radical Christianity

In our house group we've been talking occasionally about how comfortable we are as Christians - as though we are in a social club rather than a life changing faith. An interesting article at Ekklesia seems to suggest we need to become more radical, in line with the social upheaval suggested by Jesus' teachings.
Looking at the front page of the BBC News website its easy to see there are increasing opportunities to express the life giving nature of the Gospel - tax demands on low income households, rising food prices, torture and death in Zimbabwe and Sudan to name a few.
I pray, Lord that we will not be found wanting...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Fly sex change nonsense

Not content with our already vast levels of knowledge of Drosophila, a group of scientists have now discovered how to program female flies to behave like male flies during courtship rituals. Not only is this 'fascinating' and 'exciting' but I'm sure very useful. I can think of at uses for such an insight into the lives of fruit flies.
Might I suggest that if the researchers want to learn more about human behaviour, they stop wasting money on fruit flies and go to an average town centre club on a saturday night. It's already apparent what triggers female homo sapiens to behave like males during courtship rituals - the combination of lambrini, archers, vodka chasers and cheesy pop music provides an immediate trigger for hormone fueled tomfoolery.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The power of prayer!

Bizzarely, this is a really heartwarming story about a gent who had a little accident in his car, but thanks to prayer and some friends ended up none the worse for wear...